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house concerts site
After apologizing for the crossposting, I would like to follow up on an
earlier call I put out about house concerts. I now have a draft of a
site: http://www.csulb.edu/~gbach/houseconcerts.html
I hope to expand the listings to nclude a brief rundown of each space,
frequency, capacity, donations, lists of past performers, links to other
resources, FAQ, etc.
For now, though, it's a start. If you run a house concert that features
microsound, lowercase, field recordings, ambient, avant chamber music,
etc., or know of someone who does, let me know (thanks to those who
helped me get started).
I hope that the site will be used by people organizing their own DIY
concert tours of smaller, more intimate spaces that are friendly to
music that might not do so well in bars or nightclubs.
P.S. I realize that "experimental music" is not everyone's favorite
term, but I needed something a little more generalized for the context
of other house concert networks, many of which feature folk