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Multiple Otomo at the Recombinant Labs Compound
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with special guests WOBBLY, PRE and NAUT HUMON
Wednesday May 21st@8:30 PM
Improvisational turntablist, guitarist, and performer OTOMO YOSHIHIDE returns for another rare appearance in the Bay Area on the Surround Traffic Control multi-channel sound system at the outskirts of SF. MULTIPLE OTOMO will feature him in various solo and collaborative circumstances with other musicians and visualizations.
Otomo has been very active in playing free improvisation --using oscillators, tapes, radios, etc. in the early years. Later on, he also started his own band, Ground Zero. Until it disbanded in March 1998, the band was always at the core of his musical creativity, while it underwent several changes in style and membership.
Otomo has created and organized various groups and projects in addition to Ground Zero. He had two bands between '92 and '94: the Double Unit Orchestra, comprised of two groups which he conducted simultaneously; and Celluloid Machine Gun, which he described as the Hong Kong movie-style music world. . Another of Otomo's major projects at that time was the Sampling Virus Project ('92 to '98), in which sampling processes were applied to musical works which were "passed around" among musicians. In this way, the sampling acted in much the same way computer viruses do --invading, multiplying in and transforming the works --thus bringing new pieces into being.
Since the disbanding of Ground Zero, Otomo's sound has changed greatly. The difference can be heard especially well in his current major projects: I.S.O., his trio with Yoshimitsu Ichiraku (drums, electronics) and Sachiko M (sampler); and Filament, his duo with Sachiko M. The sound, which tends to embrace simplicity, minimalism, and texture much more than dynamism and instrumental performance, contrasts sharply with the extreme chopping and plunderphonics ("plagiaristic" sampling) which used to characterize Otomo's style. Also various collaborations including the one with Christian Marclay on Asphodel has demonstrated wild electronic excur sions in the realm of abstract turntablism well beyond manual vinyl manipulation.
Otomo has demonstrated an exceptional talent as a composer of movie/TV/video sound tracks. He has in particular enjoyed an excellent relationship with creators in the Chinese and Hong Kong film worlds He also served as music director of the theater group Rinkogun from '92 to '95, creating the music for such works as Bird Man, Inu no Seikatsu, Hamlet Symbol, and Picnic Conductor.
OTOMO YOSHIHIDE + Special Guests - (Wobbly, Pre and Naut Humon) will appear at the RECOMBINANT LABS COMPOUND on Wednesday night May 21st at 8:30 pm. Tickets for the live session are $6.00 at the door. Location information and additional data will be updated at the asphodel.com sites in the coming week or reach naut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
moving images from: Brian O' Reilly
Directions to Recombinant Labs Compound - 1070 Van Dyke, SF:
1: Take the US-101 Freeway South to CESAR CHAVEZ EAST Turnoff
2: Go down CESAR CHAVEZ heading East to THIRD STREET
3: Turn RIGHT at THIRD STREET heading SOUTH for two miles
4: Notice that street names go in alphabetical order
5: Turn LEFT on THOMAS heading EAST 8 Blocks to DEAD END
6: Turn RIGHT onto GRIFFITH Dirt Road
7: Proceed thru open gate
8: Turn Left at VAN DYKE and park your car.
9: Go into warehouse courtyard to far right red door..
10: Bring some friends ... have some refreshments>
Info line -- 415 863 3068 ext * 811 (naut humon)
night of the show : 415 971 4276