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Re: [microsound] Post-modernism versus modernism

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Ian Andrews' text on neo-modernism in post-digital music might help:


I'm not really sure I agree that post-modernism is "more valid" than
modernism; that doesn't seem like a very postmodern thing to say,
ironically enough! To me, it's all about context, and what one does with
it all. And some "modernist" theorists are much more useful to me than
some pomo dudes (Adorno vs. Baudrillard, for example). And of course,
pomo isn't really opposed to modernism, as I keep insisting. To me,
postmodernism is more like modernism's self-conscious critique of

Further, while I understand this is a paper for a course and probably a
good exercise, I wonder how useful these terms really are sometimes.
"Postmodernism" in particular seems to refer to so many things that it
doesn't really mean anything at all any more. Even more so now that the
"post" tendency has been expanded to refer to everything:
post-philosophy, post-colonial, post-structuralist, post-digital, etc.
In my opinion, too many "posts" and not enough "neos" (not that we don't
have some "neos" we could do without). 

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<-----Original Message-----> 
From: Tone0010@xxxxxxx
Sent: 5/8/2003 12:40:39 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] Post-modernism versus modernism

I'm writing a paper weighing the methods of modernist versus post
modes of thought, and arguing that post-modernism is a more valid form
expression. Pretty basic stuff, I know, and this list has already gone
this modernism stuff, but if anyone could help me out on this by 
contributing their thoughts and arguments for or against, it would be a

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