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hafler trio & m. akiyama live!

dear friends
here is an overview of aufabwegen's live event in the next days. please come

13.05.03, 20:00h
kulturbunker muelheim, berliner str. 20, 51063 cologne

M I T C H E L L  A K I Y A M A [montreal]
first cologne appearance by intr_version label owner akiyama. he combines
labtop sound manipulations with dubby textures and guitar work. very nice,
very floating, not at all heartless. releases on raster-noton, 12k and

15.05.03, 20:00h
kulturbunker muelheim, berliner str. 20, 51063 cologne

T H E  H A F L E R  T R I O [uk]
active since 1981, one of the founding artists of the post industrial sound.
bringing light & joy in a performance event!

D I T T E R I C H  V O N  E U L E R - D O N N E R S P E R G [ger]
electroacoustic works and readings.

Y O S H I O  M A C H I D A [jap]
concrete sound manipulations and drummings

D A S  S Y N T H E T I S C H E  M I S C H G E W E B E [ger/f]
abstract sounds and concrete noises.

16.05.03, 20:00h
cuba, achtermannstr. 12, 48143 muenster
http://www.geraeuschwelten.de | http://www.aufabwegen.com


T H E  H A F L E R  T R I O [uk]
active since 1981, one of the founding artists of the post industrial sound.
bringing light & joy in a performance event!

B E R N H A R D  G U E N T E R [ger]
founder of microsound, runs the label trente oiseaux, producing concrete-ish

D A S  S Y N T H E T I S C H E  M I S C H G E W E B E [ger/f]
abstract sounds and concrete noises.

A N N A  H O M L E R / F R A N K  S C H U L T E [usa/ger]
presenting a new multimedia work in a premiere - commenting on the state of
affairs the world over.
vocal experimentation from homler meet daring electronics from schulte.

info on all events:

.please spread the news!!!.

a u f a b w e g e n
magazine - label - mailorder
p.o.box 100152
50441 cologne
fax.: +49-(0)221-2720056
