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MikroP changes publishers

Mikropolyphonie changes publishers...

Later in 2003, Mikropolyphonie, the online contemporary music journal, is 
to change publishers and will have a new editor. The journal is moving to a 
new location at the University of Western Sydney so look out for more news 
of the change in the coming months.

Mikropolyphonie has been online since 1996 and has published 56 articles 
from the following countries: 25 Australia, 6 US, 2 Canada, 1 Portugal, 3 
France, 10 Brazil, 1 New Zealand, 1 UK, 1 Austria, 1 Belgium, 2 Argentina, 
3 Romania.

There have been 61 authors, 6 guest editors in addition to the managing 
editor, 18 reading panel members, and 4 Online Exhibitions.

To all of those contributors and all of our readers we would like to say 
David Hirst
The online contemporary music journal
