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Re: [microsound] 12 perfect moments in seattle [download]

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Hey all,

Just wanted to say this is a really great piece and you should all check
it out if you haven't already. It's a great long piece, one that you can
get into and lie down. Jake, if you ever do another piece like this, say
about 30 MB, I would be happy to feature it on centibel

Keep listening,


<-----Original Message-----> 
From: list-jake@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 5/14/2003 9:16:41 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] 12 perfect moments in seattle [download]

'12 perfect moments in seattle' was recorded live at the aurafice cafe,
seattle, on may 13th, 2003. the piece was built from 12 field recordings
i took here in seattle and the twelve melodic passages written to
accompany them. everything was micromixed and processed live in a
max/msp patch. the piece was wholly improvised with no real rehearsal.

it's available for download at:
(1h21m@160kbps = 93mb) 

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