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Re: [microsound] [OT] - about that saudi bombing...
Well, when you've decided to change direction, leave Saudi Arabia and get rid of
the people that supported the old ways...kill 'em!
Democracy now did a piece on Vinnell Thursday the 15th, it is archived on their
retooled site
It was of course a company store:
I saw this too - a contrary view:
It is not entirely off the wall.
I have heard of certain CIA "assets," being targeted after service (no, not
Norriega of Panama, Hussein of Iraq, Diem of Vietnam, Mossadeq of Iran, bin Laden
after he was used in Afghanistan, certain members of the Northern Alliance also
used, more recently, in Afghanistan, etc. ad infinitum), no - I'm talking about
guys who you might think of as "expendables." Our guys.
If this was the case in the Saudi bombings, I would not be surprised. After all,
many of these folks served for literally years helping train Saudis and may feel
close to them. They also should of or could have known some things that previous
administrations did or promised, and - well there are now a lot of dead people. No
A Col. Marvin (see show #99 of Black Op radio, archived here):
argues that certain "Special Forces" guys were expendable. His site too:
I think I heard the Democracy Now story originated from
finally also OT but, the great Mike Ruppert has a full page Washington Post ad!
check it here:
a decent site on Mossadeq
nice pictures of the plush digs for Vinnell - Peter, thanks
that is the city of the futrue
bland, plush, and only-for-some
peter nyboer wrote:
> i know this is totally off topic, but there are many newshounds on this
> list, and this stuff is too interesting not to share. Ok, so what exactly
> was that "housing for westerners" that was attacked in Saudi Arabia? Was
> this simply a blind expression by those whose "only faith is hate?" (GWB's
> words)
> In the VERY LEAST!!! you MUST look at this:
> the website of Dorrat al Jadawel, one of the compounds that was hit:
> http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/street/kbt79/dorrat.htm
> Here's some stuff that my brother and I dredged up:
> I've been poking around about the recent attack in saudi
> arabia...interesting targets, which include the Vinnell Corp, a subsidiary
> of Northrop Grumman. All but one of the fatalities worked for Vinnell.
> Their website (vinnell.com) has no sympathy for the victims or mention of
> the bombing, interestingly enough. Anyway, Vinnell is there to train the
> Saudi National Guard, since 1975. This lovely unit of at least 55,000
> guards is described by Jane's as a "kind of Praetorian Guard for the House
> of Saud, the royal family's defence of last resort against internal
> opposition." (not knowing what praetorian means, i looked it up to find it
> is "of, forming, or resembling the Roman imperial bodyguard")
> Vinnell was previously targeted by a car bombing in 1995 in Saudia Arabia
> Also a target was a joint Saudi-US project involving the Frank E Basil
> Company (basil-group.com) called Saudi Maintenance Company (Siyanco) who
> has interests in shipping and god knows what else. The Basil company has
> previously built military complexes in Saudi Arabia.
> The only mention of Vinnell I found in the SF Chronicle was some touchy piece
> about how military vets who worked for them were "working to save money for
> their kids education." I also read a letter to the editor that mentioned
> Vinnell as a target which made me sit up and pay attention, because I
> hadn't really paid any to this recent attack.
> Doing a search of "vinnell corporation cia" on google comes up with all the
> cheneybushdrugempire paranoid-version sites, which is pretty funny.
> more info here:
> http://commondreams.org/views03/0513-06.htm
> http://commondreams.org/headlines03/0514-06.htm
> CNN actually published a piece about Vinnell Corp:
> http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/05/13/saudi.vinnell/index.html
> here's a piece from Australian paper "The Age":
> http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/14/1052885292950.html
> another CNN piece identifying the three compounds that were hit.
> http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/05/13/Saudi.jadawel/index.html
> the website of Dorrat al Jadawel, one of the compounds. you've GOT to see this:
> http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/street/kbt79/dorrat.htm
> extremely concise history of Vinnell from CorpWatch
> http://www.corpwatch.org/issues/PID.jsp?articleid=6029
> "I know I made mistakes. So has everybody else."
> -Stanley Roberts
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