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Re: [microsound] talk about supersonic signals and distortion

Why do you reduce non-audible frequencies to purely physical phenomena?  I
have used very high frequencies with unexpectedly emotional results.  I'll
post one of these songs on my website soon.  I can't guarantee that you'll
share my experience but that is another matter entirely.


Kurt Ralske wrote:
>>> I'm
>>> interested in how people view obsession and detachment in regards to
>>> actual sound.
> i have a slightly skeptical view of sound artist's interest in
> sound-as-physical-phenomena. of course it's an interesting topic,
> but it almost seems a symptom of aesthetic exhaustion...as if only the
> tangible qualities of music matter. as if its other qualities can't be
> trusted.
> it's like making conversation about the weather, or describing oneself by
> one's physical characteristics and not one's personality.
> sure, a 7Hz wave can make me shit, but John Coltrane's "Crescent" can make
> me cry. i think the second is a more complex + ultimately more interesting
> phenomenon.
> --Kurt
> http://www.miau-miau.com
> http://242pilots.org
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