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Re: [microsound] talk about supersonic signals and distortion

on 5/17/03 7:12 PM, macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx at macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Bill Jarboe wrote:
>> on 5/16/03 6:07 PM, macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx at macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> wrote:
>> AAC? please? (pretty please with unrefined turbinado sugar on top?)
> Know any free aac encoders for windoze?  I'd be glad to.

  Winamp plug-in(?)

  I did the google search:


  -don't know what's good , since I don't run windows. Quicktime pro will
write AAC..
>>> I
>>> have used very high frequencies with unexpectedly emotional results.
>>> I'll
>>> post one of these songs on my website soon.  I can't guarantee that
>>> you'll
>>> share my experience but that is another matter entirely.
>>> e
>> AAC? please? (pretty please with unrefined turbinado sugar on top?)
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