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Re: [microsound] /Matrix muzak

>people thinking less and less and reacting to
>advertising more and more.

I am not sure I agree with this. Granted advertising has become more 
and more powerful and pervasive, but at the same time people 
(including my kids) are trained to reject more and more of it at the 
same time, by necessity. We live in a virtual sea of manufactured 
meaning, and while I can't say that it does not mold the minds of 
those on the recieving end, I think it is also true that people 
naturally create filters to seperate the bullshit from reality.  It 
is something of an upward non converging cylindrical spiral... kept 
in balance by ever more powerful advertising messages/mediums and the 
ever clever human mind which keeps the bullshit at bay... a tantric 
centripedal/centrifigal mindfuck.
Communications of Tomorrow
"it's only a day away"

unique electronic music for the adventurous ear.
