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another reminder: the book club is scheduled for May 25th
see <http://microsound.org/book.php> and below for details
I am also postponing the book club session on the microsound server until
Sunday May 25th...
when it happens here's how this will work:
- I will make the time in the afternoon...say around 2 PM Pacific Daylight
Savings Time...this way our European microsounders can join in at a
reasonable time in the evening...
- everyone will join the session as a public chat
- I will moderate the discussion but I will not lead it...
- again, I AM NOT LEADING THIS DISCUSSION, only moderating it...
- the format will be one of self-organizing, emergent behavior
- we will start with the first chapter of the book and progress at one
chapter per month
- dates will be determined each month based on moderators schedule
- Trace will moderate the session in June while I am in Spain
- the moderator reserves the right to boot anyone off the server for name
calling, extended pissing matches or general impolite behavior...