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Re: [microsound] the politics of the proper name -- mp3 or terrorist?

this is fresh and may be interesting fot the italian microsounders:

it says about new ways to control (and eventually punish) free online 
distribution of material under SIAE (a kind of mafia organisation) 
at least they're not calling it terrorism, and people involved are not 
considered criminals, but i am a bit afraid of what single member states in 
the E.U. could do, especially ub the case of right wing governments like 
the italian one; i think SIAE will fight discs burnt out of mp3s in particular

At 15.57 20/05/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>From: derek holzer <derek@xxxxxxx>
>>Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Subject: Re: [microsound] the politics of the proper name -- mp3 or 