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Re: [microsound] take the red pill?
I have to agree being a microhouse artist that there is not a one city
thing... there are lots of us candians making it .... as there are lots of
other folks making it all over the place...
On Wed, 21 May 2003, tobias c. van Veen wrote:
> "Surprisingly, microhouse isn't (so far) a particularly New York-specific
> subgenre. While the people making the stuff come from all over (London,
> Montreal, Chile), the genre's (can't quite call it "scene" 's) capital is
> Germany's second cities: Cologne (home of the Kompakt and Perlon labels),
> Hamburg (Poker Flat), and Frankfurt (Force Inc.). Nevertheless, microhous=
> sonic strategy, with voluptuous asceticism playing between gummed-up beat=
> and up-top tics'n'timbres, form fits the confines of the smaller spaces t=
> have become the sad face of NYC clubbing post-Giuliani. Imagine lounge mu=
> with the seams showing."
> --. why I love and hate NYC all at once: can't see past their own
> city-of-the-world BS for the life of them. Also no mention of Montr=E9al.
> tV
> > http://alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=3D15940
> >
> >
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> tobias c. van Veen -----------
> http://www.quadrantcrossing.org
> http://www.thisistheonlyart.com
> ------------- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxx
> ---McGill Communications------
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