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placard6 news

||||placard 6 news||||||||||||      |||   ||  |||-------------------|
next emmiting placard:      28\5 23:00
                            barcelona :optiq_syndicate (3hrs session)
placards now to come:     (n-|d\m|)=number of emmiting sessions-dates
paris:  last 72hs (1|25\7-29\7|last 72hrs in paris )
        takoyakil__WOLFENSHMOOG__[kill-kill] (1-24\6)
        --------------------------------------------9 sessions done!!
nantes:  no session open yet
grenoble: session done !!! -none comming up yet
bordeaux:headphonesgarden (1-|28\6|no more room for inscription|)
         zoobizarre:share meets placard 95 (1-22\6 -hrs available)
marseille: no open session yet
lyon: placard de la salle de bains (1 - 13-14\6)
rennes: toyblaster -no sessions yet
strasbourg: 512 oreilles****-------------------------------- done!!!!
hamburg: miki+seb 's favorite celbrity hangout (1-|5\7|)
leipzig : privatelektro (2-|27\6|28\6|)/
herzhorn: no emmiting session yet -(listening to almost everything)
hannover: kiilo : 404 session done- maybe a real one comming up!

barcelona:optiq_syndicate (1-|28-29\5|--(3hr session))
          heretico (5-|11,12,13,14,15,16\6|
if you are going to sonar please consider playing at this placard--
time to sign up now!!!! --it's getting colser and closer!!!!!!!!!!!)
london: london co-placard (1-|19\7|)

vancouver: no session open yet

--------------------------------------|japan gmt+9|-----------------|
tokyo: half placard ---------------------------------------- done!!!!
hatsudai: hatos -no session yet

--------------------------------------|switzerland gmt+2|-----------|
neuchatel:(7- 26-27-28-29\6) mixed sessions with bordeaux &leipzig

-----------------------|usa gmt-5|----------------------------------|
mineapolis: spinario - no emmiting sessions yet (but listening to
almost everything)
-------------------------------|no country|-------------------------|
roaming somewhere in south europe: expert-van - listening sessions
 >>>  fls@xxxxxxxxxx for information
::::::you can come on to the chat for further questions::on irc::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::placard95.dyndns.org #placard95:::
:::::::::::::::::/chat meeting daily at 17:00 & 23:00 gmt+2(cet)/::::
>irc mac: ircle http://www.ircle.com/ win : mirc http://www.mirc.com/
linux : xchat http://www.xchat.org/  --------------------------------
session reviews: 
                 tokyo: half-placard:/great set up with headphones
hanging over the heads/ 36hrs of program cut with a three hour paris
visual conections through video conference- coucouing/ listening in
miroiterie in paris/http://www.arch-project.com/placard6/
                 grenoble: bugn'mix:/first speaker derogation/student
shows/then intertec../vvm/& karaoke/-linked onto paris
                 paris: jouyenjosasBBQ: djsessions till 18h/outside
setup,no rain this time!!!/ http://noun333.free.fr/placard/
                 strasbourg: 512 oreilles/first strasbourg placard/
quite a few people/36h of blasting headphones/picture uploads instead
of a web cam/ http://oreille.equitable.free.fr/placard/
                                 111 acheived performances/ 27 missed
49 upcomming registered performances/              44 placardspotters

-please add in your placard sessions as soon as possible/!!!/
----let the musicians have a bit of time to inscribe||||||||||||||-|
-----------musicians>become a placard spotter!!!know when a placard
           opens in your city imeadiately by email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      _                     _     ___ ___
 _ __| |__ _ __ __ _ _ _ __| |___/ _ \ __|            -------------|
| '_ \ / _` / _/ _` | '_/ _` |___\_, /__ \ _| _.   _  ------------------>
| .__/_\__,_\__\__,_|_| \__,_|6   /_/|___/(_|(_|\/_>  non-stop streaming
|_|http://placard95.dokidoki.fr                 /     headphone festival
