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Re: [microsound] fan reaction to laptop
> I've never had good reception to a laptop set.
So use a desktop instead. :) With a 90# 19" monitor. Trust me-- they
will KNOW you're there.
(Of course, it could also be that I usually work with the best soundman
in Cleveland, and 120 dB for a full set is not out of the question when
one works with Ralph.)
> Turntables have brought a
> little more interest, but not much. I really don't understand it.
> Music is music.
There's a local music list I'm on whose main contingent are supporters
of more rock-based local bands, and one of the points they always plug
is stage presence-- putting on a show rather than just sort of being up
there. (Good thing no one ever said that to Ric Ocasek, but I digress.)
Since there's about 400 people on the list and I'm the only one who
ever pipes up in disagreement, I'm guessing a ratio of about 399:1 in
favor of having something interesting to look at onstage.
Quick fix: second laptop, some form of projection, and Winamp visual
plug-ins. No one said stage presence had to be human. Ever see Severed
Heads live, back in the day? Same basic idea.
> I think pretentious musicians
> should have their fingers cut off or at least permanently duct-taped.
Christ no, they'll all become vocalists a la Linda McCartney.
* * *
"Let's exaggerate everything, like in the Bible!" --Bobby Frankel,
Daily Racing Form, May 1, 2003