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> 2003)
> Hi folks, from barcelona
> Sorry for Xpostings
> ///Call for BURN STATION///
> This is an invitation from Radiored.org to electronic music net labels=20=

> to
> take part in a project involving the new means of music distribution=20=

> through
> the Internet. Our main objective is to link a public that is familiar=20=

> with
> the electronic music industry but not necessarily with the tools and=20=

> labels
> available freely and legally through the Internet, as we have done=20
> before
> with net radios in our Hypercut project (check our website for further
> information).
> Every year between the 12th and the 15th of June on the occasion of=20
> Sonar
> Festival, the city of Barcelona receives a very important amount of
> visitors, amongst whom, the specialized press, the most recognized
> electronic music record labels and electronic music followers from all=20=

> over
> the world.
> As you might know in the last few years the size and magnitude of this=20=

> event
> has expanded beyond the limits set by the festival itself and an
> ever-growing number of independent events have begun to take place in=20=

> the
> city during those days. BURN STATION IS ONE OF THEM, IT IS NOT=20
> Within this context we will curate an event aimed at promoting the
> participating net labels and distributing their music on CD-R for =
> For this purpose we will set up a space nearby the venue of the =
> festival where the general public can consult our music databases,=20
> listen to
> the music itself and become familiar with the principles behind the
> different net labels. The final interest is that the listeners can=20
> edit and
> burn their own compilations, all within a legal context and in a =
> situation.
> We are thus inviting you to participate in this open, non-commercial=20=

> event
> by providing us with a list or catalog of the files you would like to=20=

> share
> and other information or material that you deem important. We would
> appreciate if you could submit some details about the label=B4s =
> it=B4s
> philosophy and the policy concerning the copyrights as well as other
> important facts you are interested in trasmitting to the listeners=20
> about the
> performance of the net label.
> Needless to say we can download the files ourselves but would like to=20=

> have
> your approval before we start with the final phase of the project.=20
> Also let
> us know if you would like to distribute any physical material such as
> fanzines, flyers, postcards and stickers.
> It is important that you know that this is a non-profit activity and=20=

> that
> the funding for this project comes from some of the cultural centers=20=

> with
> which we often collaborate.
> We would be deligthed to hear form you and are definitely open to any
> suggestion or level of involvement you are interested in contributing=20=

> with.
> Who we are:
> Radiored is an independent project based in Barcelona (Spain) that=20
> produces,
> stores, manages and distributes audio contents on the Internet. It=92s
> contents are related to digital culture and electronic music on the=20
> net.
> Radiored also works as a platform for the developement of new=20
> radiophonic
> formats and tools for creating music on-line where the core is a=20
> database
> that permits a non-linear reception; means by which Radiored enables=20=

> the
> receiver to become an editor of it=B4s contents.
> To make the public acquainted to the net radio content and to promote
> cultural debate Radiored organizes public events. Some of the latest=20=

> events
> include: MK2 cycle (Medien Kunst =96 Medien Kulturen) in collaboration=20=

> with
> the MACBA (Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Barcelona), Metronom, =
> Goethe Institut; Open Radio, Festival Internacional de Radios at the=20=

> At the moment, we are working on a series of activities under the name=20=

> Media
> Space Invaders about art, politics and technology taking place at the=20=

> during the month of May 2003.
> http: //www.platoniq.net
> http: //www.radiored.org
>  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
> (a) (c) (o) (u) (s) (t) (i) (c) ( ) (s) (p) (a) (c) (e)
>  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
> information&comunication channel | for net.broadcasters
> http://xchange.re-lab.net  (Xchange)  net.audio network
> xchange search/webarchive: http://xchange.re-lab.net/a/

