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Re: [microsound] white boy laptop
> > Laptop music, to me, should not be limited to the confines of "being
> > and in Front Of A Computer" as much as jazz should not be limited to the
> > confines of being black in America.
>but it would be a much needed and welcome broadening of the color palette
>see more black and latin men/women sitting behind laptops and involved with
>electronic music in general
Um, you might take a moment and look at some hip-hop artists. Cause your
kinda missing what your looking for... Also there are people like Scott
Heron... its out there guys.
Labels like Anticon and Def Jux are helping to blur the lines between race
and computers and beats, granted its not microsound, but it makes use
similar production values and techs. Also look into choclate industries and
Shit, someone posted some really fun stuff on this list a bit ago called
"GehttoGlitch" that is both african american and a female, did anyone even
bother to listen to that stuff??? Its really good.
And just remeber this thread is about "Laptop Music" so just keep in mind a
lot of people are using laptops for all sorts of things not just microsound,
come on guys if you want microsound to grow you gotta get involed in other
forms of music as well.
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