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Re: [microsound improv vs. composed performances
I have been trying to do this in the electronic realm for a few months, plan
ahead and write a "score." When doing the score I am first sketching the work in
pen - flow diagram. Trying to find a resonance between some idea and the possible
ways I can find (always limited) to record. What kind of software do you mean?
btw - I find combining non sampled acoustic musical instruments and electric, or
analog/digital, difficult unless improvised together - but less satisfying in the
end in terms of composition. Your method, if I can paraphrase your description,
of prearranging stacks of what one might call "scores" sounds interesting.
Glenn Bach wrote:
> FWIW, for my solo performances I've been working with a composed form:
> four movements of five minutes each. I work from a score/performance
> notes, and mix numerous elements together to make up the larger whole.
what is a fitness function? is it a math term or more general, like
"appropriateness function"?
Kim Cascone wrote:
> as one who imposes a fitness
> function on an algorithm and not just hitting the DAC~ start button in
> Max/MSP
devslashnull wrote:
> >It's hopefully clear with the folk music analogy that someone is trying
> >to be toungue in cheek.
folk...absolutely, passed from generation to generation...I would say yes.
but not "folk song" - yet? I haven't heard enough. Is there a tune/form that is
passed around like a Childe ballad, or the 12 bar?
Very apt. The book club discussion, talking of top -> bottom compositional method
(thanks for posting that Kim) is this search for methodical meaning in art. and
it's obverse, while not necessarily "failing" is that dada or so-called "random"?
I think that the be bop revolution was started after the rules were learned,
twisted or ignored, sped up, and polished, and then, Written as Atctual Tunes by
Parker: Ornithology, Billie's Bounce etc. those tunes broke the music wide open.
You could not play them without re-learning your instrument and your technique,
and some musical rules. So when speaking of jazz, it is be bop I think that is
the most revolutionary, and just as Kim pointed out, forms of electronic music
AND jazz are so numerous. Jazz that is esentiallly blues is more about instrument
technique a lot of times, mot so much about musical knowledge, or even strictly
speaking, improvisation.
"the.kurtz.quartet" wrote:
> I just found it on the web:
> http://www.cicv.fr/association/shaeffer_interview.html
> ".. ideas with a scientific aura,
> or real scientific ideas given an unreal relevance to an art which is
> seeking its discipline - its ordering principles - outside itself instead of
> within the source of its own inspiration. This coincidence of a music which
> is debilitated and failing and a glorious, all-conquering science is what
> really characterizes the 20th century condition."