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[microsound] Superfici Sonore/IXEM

ciao microsounders

Here is Marita, from Italy

I've been on the list for a while... not interacting that much but 
listening, pretty hard

I'd like to thank you all (as I did a little time ago) for all the 
passionated words I've been reading and all the interesting things i've got 
the chance to check out thanks to this list... although sometimes the tide 
is too high to let me follow all the reflections i see.

Today I have finally something to say, to show you, to talk about.

It's IXEM (Italian eXperimental Electronic Music). I do believe you guys 
could appreciate its birth.

What is it? Well, it's not that easy to explain in few words... It's a kind 
of collective.. (italian) people who  love electronic music and would like 
to see more spaces and events and initiatives (also in their country) to 
spread it and to talk about the different realities behind and into it. And 
so on. I'd prefer to do not talk so much about it, 'cuz my voice is just one 
among lots who have been dealing each other to reach a kind of common 
prospective and identity. But you can check it out at www.ixem.it, and even 
if the english version is not online yet, you could get to know it in the 

The main reason I'm here today writing
is the third Festival (Superfici Sonore) coming in Florence and organized in 
collaboration with it.

Here's the program.
If some of you will be in Italy at that time, we'll be happy to meet you 

ciao u all, take care.

Marita aka moax]


Superfici Sonore 2003

Piazza Ghiberti 27,  S. Verdiana (Architecture department)

25-26-27 June 2003, Firenze, Third Festival SUPERFICI SONORE.
Space-Sound-Image: the present italian scene working on experimental 
electronic music.
In collaboration with IXEM (Italian eXperimental Electronic Music)

h. 21.00 Room 9

Talk Show Host
Andrea Marutti
S.talker Inc.

Pierpaolo Leo
Luca Sigurtà / Fhievel
Domenico Sciajno / Giuseppe Ielasi
Ospite: Gabriella Cerritelli (danza)
Lucio Garau

Andrea Belfi / RCF
Valerio Tricoli / Claudio Rocchetti / Renato Rinaldi

every day during the festival, h.17.00-20.00 Room 18
Workshop in which the Ixem-musicians will bring into life a resonant flow of 
experimental combinations.
Taking part to it: (etre), Claudio Rocchetti, Domenico Sciajno, Giuseppi,
Mylicon/EN, Valerio Tricoli, Barbara Sansone, Claudio Sichel, Fhievel, Luca
Sigurtà, Lucio Garao, Mauro Orselli, rcf, Renato Rinaldi, Kilroy, Fogar Talk
Show Host,.............

11:00 - 13:00 Room 19
- Festival and spaces in Italy
- Italian Electronic Scene and its realtion with critics, press and media
14:00 - 17:00 Room 19
- Inside Ixem
- Ixem-structure
11:00 - 13:00 Room 19
- Common archives
- Promotion and enlargement
14:00 - 17:00 Aula 19
- Creation of Ixem Italian Network
- Ixem 'Spot on'
- Ixem Catalogue
14:00 - 17:00 Room 19
- Kinds of self-financing
- Relations with the Institutions

11:00 - 13:00 Room 19
IXEM will explain in details its projects and will answer to each questions 
made by journalist, artists, musicians and/or listeners.


Press Office

MSN Extra Storage! Hotmail all'ennesima potenza. Provalo!   
