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NY : june+=+26=+=+=Seasonal
Just a reminder...
I would like to welcome you all to seasonal's first night .
june brings seasonal's first outing in brooklyn ny. seasonal is a
monthly series of listening environments encouraging sound, movement
and visual based works. we are excited to have ogurusu norihide
from japan and ian epps, brooklyn resident , perform their string
stemmed electronic works. mpld, t wegmann, and b owen will explore
still and moving projections throughout the evening.
thur june 26 8pm $5
office ops 57 thames st Take the "L" train to morgan ave.
ian epps . http://www.ianepps.com/
ogurusu norihide. http://www.boreas.dti.ne.jp/~ogurusu
seasonal http://www.seasonalBK.net
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