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Re: [microsound] ei - sound app
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This is a fun little app. Windows only, it seems, but worth the download
if you go that way.
<-----Original Message----->
From: Ivan Bachev
Sent: 5/30/2003 6:08:09 AM
To: macrosound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] ei - sound app
shek dis niu app i iv meid
h o w t o EI?
1. browse for a mp3 file first
2. press or hold the "process audio" button
3. play with the editable parameters
4. record your audio
5. stop the recording to your file be saved in
the app dir.
? this tool is to "re"-"context"-"plunder",
so why not just browse your folder with the mp3
files, and start playing with this "ei".
made by, Ivan Bachev - navmemo@xxxxxxxxx
web: http://nml.cult.bg/~bachev
thanks to: Geoff Smith for his RecSndXtra
thanks to: Niels Gorisse for his "CPS"
thansk to: Mat Davey for involving me in
thanks to: STANZA for the "soundtoys.net"
thanks to: Carl Stone for his response
thanks to: Yoana shtot kat neja druga njama
Ivan Bachev
Boyadjik str. 2a
Yambol 8600
tel. ++ 359 46 259 04
email: navmemo@xxxxxxxxx
web: http://nml.cult.bg/~bachev
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