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[So Cal] Reminder Quiet this Saturday

After apologizing for the crosspost, I'd like to remind you about this 
Saturday's installment of the series, Quiet, featuring various forms of 
quiet music in an intimate setting.  Inspired in part by the successful 
"Day of Attention" series organized by Josh Russell, Quiet showcases 
artists from Southern California and elsewhere in an environment that 
fosters attentive listening.

Saturday, June 28, 2003

*j.frede (laptop)
*Josh Russell (laptop and electronics)
*Glenn Bach (laptop)

The performers will present solo sets, and, after intermission, will 
improvise as a trio.  The concert begins at 8:00 p.m. sharp; doors open 
at 7:30 p.m.  Quiet is a private event at a residence in Long Beach, 
California, with a $10 suggested donation (sliding scale).

Please e-mail gbach@xxxxxxxxx for an invitation, address, and directions.


Past Quiet:


Future Quiet:

July 12: Albert Ortega and Liam Mooney
August 9: g.e. stinson and Steuart Liebig
August 30: Chris Heenan and Jeremy Drake
TBA: Kraig Grady +
TBA: Michael Kaufmann +


j.frede is an experimental music composer who works with sound ranging 
from field recordings to electro-acoustic atmospheres, microsound 
subtleties to ambient soundscapes, live performances to audio 
installations. He is currently working with field recordings of both 
natural and urban environments and digital compositions built using 
acoustic sounds. When performing live, j.frede utilizes a variety of PC 
based software to write compositions in real time using found sounds and 
digital manipulations.


josh russell enjoys staring at things.  this has led to him spending a 
lot of time stationary.  then he started to listen to things while 
immobile which led to him wanting to then manipulate what he heard.  to 
hear what he heard last week again along with today.  to hear things in 
last week that he hadn't paid attention to before.  to add to it if 
necessary or to subtract until all that he can hear is his tinnitus. you 
can listen to his sounds at Stasisfield (http://www.stasisfield.com). 
he has been glad to have been able to play at such places as aaron 
ximm's "Field Effects," leo zhao's "TONE" series, and the NWEAMO 
festival at SDSU organized by joe waters. russell has sometimes 
organized sporadic day-long events called "day of attention" which have 
incorporated sound/video installations, visual art and live 
performances.  he runs a small recording label called bremsstrahlung 
recordings which specializes in egoless sound and which has so far 
released two double CD box sets of lower-case sound compilations and is 
currently gearing up for a double 3" metal box series featuring such 
artists as francisco lopez, radu malfatti, toshiya tsunoda, and steve 
roden.  if you have read this far then you must enjoy staring at things 


Glenn Bach is a sound artist who maps the sonic terrain of the city 
through detailed sound walks, manipulated field recordings, sound 
drawings, and found poems.  His audio works have appeared in numerous 
online shows and projects, including a four-track EP, "diamond finesse," 
on the Stasisfield label (www.stasisfield.com).  He has performed his 
work in solo appearances and in improvisational group arrangements, 
including recent appearances at Sound/Shift Oakland, Field Effects, and 
The Big Sur Experimental Music Festival, as well as an upcoming 
performance at the CPEACH Summer Series in Eureka, California.  He 
improvises with two other musicians as Luminous Flux, and directs a 
larger group, The Double Blind Ensemble, for his composed works.

