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Re: [microsound] er1 ??

The er-1 is a pretty good live machine, so is the es-1 I like this one the
best out of the whole electribe series.
But anyway if it's an er-1 you want check ebay, there are plenty of second
hand ones, the more you link electribes the bettter they become. We
generally have 2 electribes, a laptop and some other stuff on stage, but we
have had 4 simultaniously running at one gig. They are made to do live
stuff. And the red lights are very nice, especially on a dark stage.

> hi dear microsounders,
> I´m interested in a rhythm-machine under 400Euro (also used).
> I would need it beside my laptop, playing live some kind of IDM (only a
little bit noisier ;o)
> any suggestions?
> what do you all think about the er-1?
> good for manipulating rhythm live?
> enough pressure?
> better alternatives?
> sorry, if this topic had been dicussed before, but I did´t follow
> the microsound list the last weeks.
> so please send your suggestions also to: sascha.neudeck@xxxxxxxxx
> thanx a lot for helping!
> Sascha
> http://www.sascha-neudeck.com
