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Re: [microsound] fwd: Boulez Project Invitation

: : p y o wrote:

> is it humour  ? i can't imagine you're serious.
> i don't feel any 'americans against french cultural attack' or whatever.
> i think it's just a way to make a prolongation of 'this boulez's concept / idea'
> how can some people make shortcuts like that ?
> too easy...
> ps : i'm french (!)

the societal resonance may contain signifying elements not intended by the act or
art/or intended

this specific american: he may or may not have an "attitude" about Boulez and/or his
music - not just reacting to the Boulez statement.

one can imagine humorous Cage parodies!! some quite ignorant

they too could be called crude and obvious, however - but it might be a stretch to tie
in "anti-french" or not

the problem with not considering any "anti-french" in the project is - we don't know
the artist much beyond his self offered website so we can't assume it is true.

also: this "anti-French" attitude does exist in America (the recent anti french google
joke to wit), long before Operation Iraqi Freedom. it is usually obvious and crude.
however - the french have had a spate of recent books defining to some extent the
"anti-American" feelings there. historical ones.

"Mon Enemie American"? I think was one recent bestseller. Would pretending to be
anti-French give this artist more visibility? you bet

(I myself LOVE the French. Well, not every last one. But I've never had a bad time
there, am a hack at speaking francais, and the art, enlightenment and food are just a
tiny part of the exquisite vine there.)

the joke is probably a stab at Boulez's music. I can imagine some may find it too
ordinary for its claims. This IS (imo) a typical american attitude, to judge artistic
merit based on the technical brilliance, or genius, or huge profit, or stark
originality, or the "quintessential" rating - does it represents a ZENITH or culture?
this attitude misses small movies, lesser works etc. it mocks not being the best as
failure. perhaps this is what motivates the artist?

most likely  - just a joke - but is it?
