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Re: [microsound] Re: blowing up boulez

Is Boulez still involved with IRCAM?

Seen as an institution I think that IRCAM is still pushing forward, at 
least *trying* to explore. Developing and publishing their own software 
and hardware to support this. But I dont think they are radical or 
daring in any sort of way, but neither is anyone else tese days. I hear 
much more complaints about the Bourges competition as being a 
conserving institution.

The discussion regarding funding of IRCAM will probably increase as the 
economic climate worsens. When the crisis hits the middle-classes (were 
the voters are) smaller arts projects are easy to cut (few will miss 
them) but an institution like IRCAM is much more (internationally) 

If you have access to the IRCAM software releases try not only Max but 
also look at Audiosculpt and Modalys.

/Jan L.

onsdagen den 9 juli 2003 kl 00.10 skrev Guillaume Grenier:
> I'm not "in the know" enough to discuss in depth (or even in 
> surface...) the
> vices and virtues of IRCAM. But that would seem like a potentially
> interesting discussion. Your depiction of IRCAM does indeed seem to 
> match
> that of various musicians I've heard... From what I can gather, the 
> biggest
> problem with IRCAM seems to be that it assumes more or less the form 
> of a
> monopolistic government-money-sucking machine. Care to expand on this,
> maybe?
> Still, wasn't it at IRCAM that Max was invented? Wasn't it at IRCAM 
> that the
> bases (Max/FTS, I think it was called) for MSP/pure data were 
> developed? In
> a sense, a great proportion of the music discussed on this list 
> wouldn't
> exist as we know it without IRCAM...
>>> How familiar are you with his (enormous) recorded output? Are you 
>>> aware of
>>> the level of devotion and the drive with which he promoted music of 
>>> this
>>> century, even under sustained fire (his years at the NYPO, for 
>>> example)? Etc.
>> Awareness really isn't the issue here; you're presuming that intimacy 
>> with the
>> man's oeuvre would necessarily pre-empt critique, or for that matter 
>> contempt.
> Of course, anybody can critique anything, as the old saying about 
> opinions
> and human anatomy explains eloquently. But a very slight intimacy with 
> the
> subject matter does preempt informed critique.
> Anyway, my complaint was actually more targeted towards the fact that 
> the
> critique seemed unsubstantiated to me -- thus bringing the sentiments
> expressed in the message closer to the form of an ad hominem attack 
> than to
> that of a critique. The "awareness" issue was a subsequent/tangential
> interrogation of mine. (And as I've said, I'm pleasantly surprised to 
> hear
> that you don't fit the pattern I was describing.)
>> Boulez is as subject to time as the rest of us, he's just managed to 
>> create a
>> black hole for limited and precious funding, and not only in his home 
>> country.
> I suppose you're referring to IRCAM here...? BTW, is he still at the 
> helm of
> the organization?
>>> ...but to disparage a man like him with blanket statements such as 
>>> those one
>>> can read in the quoted message strikes me as disrespectful and 
>>> cowardly.
>> The Ivory Bunker is cowardice itself.  Among Boulez's
>> mountains of accomplishment there are festering boils
>> of corruption.
> I'm intrigued... Also referring to IRCAM?
>> The more undeniable a person's contributions, the more likely that 
>> their
>> shadow will overcome any future progress, and quelch badly-needed 
>> critique.
> I agree.
>> Darmstadt and its wake are last century's news, and have everything 
>> to do with
>> history that's worth waking up from.
> I agree again (!)
> g.
> -- 
> Guillaume Grenier - grenier.g@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> in space there is no north  in space there is no south
> in space there is no east   in space there is no west
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