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london, uk: murmer & urba, thurs-fri
i swear to god this will be the last time i mention this. if you're in
london please come down and make us feel loved!
a production by company URBA
live phonography by MURMER
choreography HELENE FORLOT
July 10th & 11th, 8pm
Hoxton Hall
130 Hoxton Street, N1
booking: 020 7739 5431
With their latest creation, French company URBA and murmer propose the theme
of the subconscious. This is not a conceptual proposition. We work with
images that come to us either in dreams or through sensations and emotions
of day to day life. These images and movements have no prescribed
explanation - their significance lies within our own subconscious. The
collage of image, sound and movement follow a non-narrative progression of
tension and sensation; their repetition becomes hypnotic, and the audience
enters into their ritual.
Abstracted video images are modified and presented as a sort of collage,
inspired by or inspiring the creation of sonic material and dance. The
process for this creation was simple: from an initial idea, an
image/sound/movement is presented spontaneously, automatically. The
sensations inspired by this are then used to produce supporting material.
This method is entirely reciprocal over the three axes of K.A.: video, sound
and dance. We create, in a sense, with a system of action/reaction, and
speak of 'creation through impregnation'.
Working with found sounds and field recordings, murmer's sound work recalls
our theme through the use of the subconscious sounds of our world. By
decontextualizing everyday sounds and using them compositionally to enhance
and be enhanced by image and movement, K.A.'s sound leads the audience to a
fresh listening of what we ignore every day. Mechanical drones, traffic, or
insects become the objects of our attention, at the same time familiar and
unfamiliar. A parallel is drawn between the world of photography (light
writing) and phonography (sound writing): with photography we frame an
image that has caught our eye; with phonography we frame a sound that has
caught our ear.
£8 - full
£6 - concessions
£4 - Hoxton Hall members