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[MTL] : tri.phonic / summer.schedule
allo, allo ...
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/// tri.phonic \\\ --------
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. evenings: | ---------- |
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5-10pm / 17h-22h | ---+---- | |
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@ SAT 1195 St. Laurent | | tri.phonic |
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w/ith: \\ //
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[[ http://www.quadrantcrossing.org/triphonic ]]] ]] ]] ] ]
We're ecstatic to announce...or we're happy to announce...well, we're
grooving over our summer schedule... OK: basically we think we've assembled
a rather penultimate roster of excellent musicians, all performing live, al=
doing solo spots as well as integrating their musical geniuses into the
"jam_session" aspect of tri.phonic . So without further ado, a reminder tha=
tri.phonic is FREE all summer long , here's the line-up... every 2nd
Thursday, from 5-10pm:
--->JULY 31 :
PHEEK [epsilon lab, montr=E9al]
vitaminsforyou [intr_version records, winnipeg/montr=E9al]
BLUNDERSPUBLIK [sfeericle records, winnipeg/montr=E9al]
--->AUGUST 14 :
NAW [noise factory records, Clonk, montr=E9al]
Colin the Mole [tracks on Mutek & Force Inc., montr=E9al]
MITCHELL AKIYAMA [the man behind intr_version records, montr=E9al]
--->AUGUST 28 :
DEADBEAT [intr_version, ~scape recording artist, montr=E9al]
Colin the Mole [tracks on Mutek & Force Inc., montr=E9al]
THOMAS PHILIPS [Trente Oiseaux, montr=E9al]
..the new SAT: 30 foot ceilings... ample red couches .. fully stocked bar
.. a whole wall of beautiful windows overlooking the park .. terrasse ..
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.definitions for // tri.phonic \\ . +-----------------+
--- > [the mix of all three provides the basis for this "jam_session"]
--- > [the three elements of our art]:
1. (techno) turntablism:
the exploration of experimental beats & minimalism utilising the full art
of turntable techniques. hip-hop scratch-djs are not the only
turntablists: it's time to wrest the boring reputation & robotic motions
of the DJ. turntablism is EXPRESSIVE. it is an ART.
2. laptop [live] performance
the creation of one's own sounds via the technologies of the portable
computer, the ability to remix one's tracks on the fly, and jam with
others in an "electronic laboratory" setting. also: the combination of
laptop music with net.art and net.sound.installation via WiFi
connections--the openings of transference & translation between
net.art.sound & "electronic music." transactive sound.performance.
3. field recordings: the microphone
the recording of audio from the environment, the urban echoes resonating
via software, the incorporation of our environment as listening object, as
object of contemplation, as the subject of our passions & desires, as the
subject of our art, as art itself.
TRI.PHONIC owes its debt & gratitude to the development of the term by JANE=
SCHAEFER, who coined the name for the world-premiere of his three-arm
turntable in 1997, and which claimed a Guinness World Record of "most
versatile record player." Schaefer explains the concept in his paper for th=
Leonardo Music Journal:
"Instead of using lots of record players to play lots of different records =
simply thought of combining several record players in one. The Tri-Phonic
was born. As records can be easily accessed in many time frames/places
simultaneously it was to be very efficient at maximising the potential of
obscure vinyl discoveries. This invention could multiply, magnify and
manipulate the essential physical surface of sound in as many ways as was
practically possible."
To potentialise--to maximise--to maniplate sound at its limit--"as man ways
as practically possible"--this is what we'd like to do with the basis of th=
term: TRI (three) PHONOS (sound). Three sounds: three arms: MUTANT SOUND,
the three-armed beast of the turntablist-laptrician-phonographist, or
net.artist-event producer-VJ, or producer-designer-artist, even. We are a
We'd like to sample Janek's "tri-phonic" and scratch the hypen, replacing i=
with a DOT: "tri.phonic" -- in this substitution we expand the term to
resonate the general aspects of a growing digital arts practice which is no=
ours alone, nor which we could ever claim, but which sees its rise &
occurrence globally among genres and practices including microsound, glitch=
clicks and cuts, sound-art, sound installations, phonography, turntablism,
laptronics, microsonics, lowercase, field recordings, and sonic net.art.
Thus the DOT is the break from the hypen, the TRI (three) from the PHONOS
(sound) that also represents the influence of the digital tie or bond of
today's media: NET DOT ART. TRI DOT PHONIC. The digital bond, "Today, music
is information" (Achim Szepanski).
Janek begins his essay by saying:
"It has always been a principle of mine to not copy ideas, but to bounce
from them in order to develop new ones instead. Not to xerox, but manipulat=
in order to produce something new and unique to yourself. As a result one
develops one's own ideas which then form a series of personal stories which
is much more rewarding an experience."
Here we wish not to claim "tri.phonic" as our own-- rather we'd like to
sample the term, broaden it, and offer it to others. We're peforming a
little bit of MUTATION upon the term. PER.MUTATION. We'd like not to copy o=
xeerox Janek's specific usuage but expand it, delight in it, cite it,
reference it, jump from it, dive into it, really-- to encompass our common
bond: the digital link.ages forming via net.art, phonography (microphones),
turntablism, VJing and laptronics ...
Thus we re.birth the tri.phonic .. and welcome a digital arts practice that
seeks to incorporate, cut, scratch, cross-fade, granulate & otherwise MUTAT=
the digital & analogue sonic arts that remain "pure" & un-touched to each
For more on Janek Schaefer's Tri-Phonic turntable, please see:
.. TRI.PHONIC --- .. . .
infos will be posted here: /// \\\
http://www.quadrantcrossing.org/triphonic // \\
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stay in touch: | TRI.PHONIC |
http://www.quadrantcrossing.org/blog | |
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tobias c. van Veen -----------
------------- tobias@xxxxxxxxxxx
---McGill Communications------
ICQ: 18766209 | AIM: thesaibot