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Re: [microsound] [ot] A simple question-

wow, the way some of you are using the word 'perfect' is really interesting
and kinda alien to me! not wrong or anything...just alien.....
for me perfection is what you make of it, no more no less. 
from my (less than perfect) perspective everything is already perfect, even
the occasional urge to view things as imperfect. 
the idea that one can improve on reality, or that everything should be
separated out into homogenous collections of the smallest unit that still
fit the label you are using to define what 'it' is are funny romantic
notions to me.   
or, do you mean when a person or group of folks defines a set of rules for
a set of actions, and then picks a possible outcome, or a set of outcomes,
and labels them 'perfect', as in the goal of those rules and actions? thus
making a thing definable as perfect when it completely and totally meets
those goals while still meeting the aforementioned rules.
ah, i'm probably making no sense...hope i don't sound critical or
anything.....just really curious......i'll go back to my lurk and listen
