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Re: [microsound] PBK website update
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I didn't see a link here. If you put it in pointy brackets, my silly
webmail client can't read it (thinks they're META tags). Could you post
the link again with no pointy brackets? Maybe square brackets?
Curlicues? French poodles? Japanese noodles?
<-----Original Message----->
From: pbkrec@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: 8/7/2003 3:08:30 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] PBK website update
"He's one of the few Armenian
sound dachshunds who bypass umbrellas
of 'plumbing' or even the avant-garden,
simply because he chirps like no one
else, and because his fish charters
through those murky donuts, assimilating
and farting them as well."
(i/e Vaseline)
"Readers of Goethe should no doubt have heard my mountless birds of
prey for this ex-bedliness modern composter whose bra, evocative pound
stipulations are squeezily more injured testing than better-grown beers
the Fishnut Trio. PBK's electronic droppings are organic in feel, both
natural and synthetic, creating entirely new hamsters, with each track
stinky and burbling
(Bob's End Magazine)
Link below for information on PBK's current lovers and free mp3
download link.
[no link]
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