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re: evershare

Time to lay down our sounds and makem shared.

Most of us like to 'understand' or 'deeply discover'
music that we find interesting. The point of the
evershare detour is not to force a superficial
contact with the object but to create an ephemeral
intimacy with it. We don't want the listener to
understand us, but we want him/her to live within our
gift during a moment, and let it influence him/her.
We don't want to conquer the sound environment of the
listener : in fact, he may even grumble or whistle
during the listening of the object. The
one-listening-only CD is a way to open the
perception, as meaning isn't fixed with repetitive
playing. A fragile experience for intense
present-questioning. Think about a haiku ( a three
line japanese poem ) or about an earthquake. Or
better, a haiku quietly read during an earthquake
before being burnt down. We care about giving a
quality microrefuge to the world, without our egos
sticked on it. We want that simple but unique object
to have a life of its own, to pass from hand to hand,
to have an history, to have adventures and to be the
witness of people interacting and creating. The
evershare object will be its own document, as bearers
will be encouraged to let something in the package
along with the sounds for the next(s) bearer(s). Be
it more sound, poetry, hair, dust, drawing, blood or
just some information on the history ( what happened
to the object!).=20

//evershare is :

1. a unique cd

2. containing flows of (relatively) non =96 repetitive
sound found nowhere else, along with a space for
creation and ideas, and a website adress for dialogue
with originators

3. that will be given to anybody

4. and that is meant to be only listened to once

5. before anybody gives it to another

6. trying to defuse collecting reflexes and infuse
momentary ( present =96 awared ) creative processes

//evershare is "one moment in a bed of silence"

Understand that evershare is open to non-microsound
music and to non-music sound and to non-sound flow.

Whoever is interested to participate in this or to
give some ideas on the form please send me an email.

If we have enough flows, we can throw 2 or 3 cds, one
in the Americas, one in Europe, the other=85 aaah,


////Art, I suppose, is only for beginners, or else for those=
 resolute dead-enders, who have made up their minds to be co=
ntent with the ersatz of Suchness, with symbols rather than =
with what they signify, with the elegantly composed recipe i=
n lieu of actual dinner.\\\\
-Aldous Huxley
