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Re: [microsound] mac VJ software Max msp
the person who created Girl loop mixing software, also created a nice video
patch, I have only played with the demo, but its a standalone and easy to
use. There is also Vidvox, which is another standalone people use.
Also, I have not had any sucess with it, but Lloopp the standalone audio
patch now has a video buffer and video mixing acts, and its free. Lloopp is
in the process of being ported over to OSX as well.
If you have the chance, see Sue Constable perform some of her video work. at
once twice 2003,she did a totally digital and non-digital at the same time
video set with timeblind on audio, although the PA system really took away
from timeblinds set, the visuals where wonderful.
hope some of this helps.
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