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hhtp: the new unpublished track

hhtp presents:

The Japanesse part of The Novel [ Untitled track.
v-1.0.alfa ]
Lyrics and reading by Evelin Domnitch [
http://www.portablepalace.com ]
Composed by mathematical structures: Sinus,
Lindenmayer, Chip, Gingerbreadman, Henon, Hopalong,
Martin, Lorenz, Julia, Mandelbrot. [ a Music
Generator: http://www.musoft-builders.com ]
Mixed and arranged by Andrey Savitsky [
http://hhtp.org ]
Download track:
[ mp3:256 kbps, 44100, stereo, 11:11, 20 994 Kb ]
best regards,
Andrey Savitsky

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