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RE: [microsound] [OT] hiphop article

true, but he does have a good point about how damaging the messages are to
how a person lives their life. for example, they found in several studies
over the last decade or so that the previously held belief that being
violent toward a pillow or stuffed doll or whatever during therapy didn't in
fact, "get it out" but made the person more angry and prone to violence,
much like the well documented connection to TV and movie violence and child
violence. the facts are there and the facts are tragic, but pumping kids
full of violence inciting, hate filled, angry music and images that offer no
solutions to what they're bitching about or glorifying just keeps the cycle
going. it doesn't give them any direction or inspiration for change other
than "be a thug, it's cool"...just one of the many, many, many screwed up
facets of this crappy society.

how would you respond if the article was about a few young skinheads and
their admiration for screwdriver?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dominic Lanzone [mailto:dubvurt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 3:47 PM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] [OT] hiphop article

ok. so.
black people are a minority in the US. for an album to go gold or platinum
here, get video airplay ect, it's has to appeal to NONblacks. therefore,
what sells and what you see has more to do with NONblacks fantasies of what
black life is.
this age old and venerable tradition of black folks having to wear black
face to make a buck goes all the way back to the beginnings of vaudeville.
wether this is a cause of how young blacks structure their identity or not
is an interesting question.
there are also many many interesting theories into why nonblacks have these
kinds of fantasies about blackness, too many to go into here, although i do
recommend the book Learning to Be White by Thandeka. not as a definitive
text but a definite think jogger.
before talking about the problems in the black community consider that poor
people ALL over the world have very similar problems in their communities.
these problems are not inherently connected to blackness.

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