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fwd: (ot) APSL 2.0
of interest?
xzx wrote:
> Apple is FSF-approved now.
> This from slashdot:
> "Apple has now made their public source license 2.0
> free. From the release "The Darwin team at Apple is
> pleased to announce that version 2.0 of the Apple
> Public Source License has been certified as a 'Free
> Software License.' APSL 2.0 includes numerous changes
> and simplifications to make it even easier to use
> Apple Open Source software as part of your programs.
> To indicate acceptance of APSL 2.0, you can now use
> your new or existing "Apple ID", rather than having a
> separate Darwin account."" proclus adds "This is great
> news for Darwin-based free software projects like The
> GNU-Darwin Distribution and Fink. GNU-Darwin has had
> an ongoing discussion about this development, and
> annouced and end to our 'Free Darwin Campaign,' so
> long as Apple avoids DMCA-based legal action."
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