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Re: [microsound] Re: coin gutter at the Scotia Bank Dance Centre Aug. 22nd

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Yes, it's true. It's my very first live set, so everyone wish me well.
Hope to see all you Vancouver people out there to support me, as well as
the gutter brothers. I'm pretty nervous, but also excited, and I feel
good about the pieces I'll be presenting. I think I might do one actual
performance piece and one diffusion thing where I play back a
pre-recorded piece and move it around on the speakers at the mixing
desk. I hope I get chicks either way.

I also have performances coming up in Oregon in early October and
another one in Van in late Oct as part of the big-ass electronic music
festival. Just an FYI. Or a spam, depending on yr perspective. 

For the record, it was actually cg's website that had the line about
composers as posers. Guess we'll have to update that part now, eh?

Have a good day everyone. Good luck to anyone performing soon or doing
anything that requires luck.


Phil Thomson 
Curator of c e n t i b e l 
moderator of Yahoo! databenders list 
synat (upcoming, acidfake, macedonia) 
TENSILE (multi-artist compilation, Labile, New York)
scan (s'agita recordings, italy) 

<-----Original Message-----> 
From: holzkopf
Sent: 8/12/2003 10:11:43 AM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] Re: coin gutter at the Scotia Bank Dance
Centre Aug. 22nd

Phil, doing a live set!? I thought that didn't
happen, I seem to recall your website saying something
like: "the great thing about being a composer is you
don't have to deal with that performance stuff." 

what happend, are you trying to get chicks. chicks
dig microsound. 

anyways, i wish you and coin gutter well. rock the hisouse. 

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