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Re: [microsound] [ot] RGB freq?
>From: "Phil Thomson" <hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>For the sound
>track, I want to take the audio from her videos and resonate them with
>particular frequencies corresponding to RGB (or some systematic
>transposition thereof) to create an RGB "chord" which will run
>intermittently through the whole piece.
Sometimes if a video contains colors that are outside of the safe NTSC color
gamut the screen will make audible buzzes. I don't know if PAL video does
the same thing. I think this usually occurs with really bright saturated
colors (mostly red?). I don't know how this relates to the frequencies
involved either.
Also, if you're willing to look outside of mathematical frequency
relationships to something more arbitrary there are a lot of theories
linking sound and color, mostly of a theosophical nature. Stanton Macdonald
Wright, Scriabin, etc. Probably not what you're looking for though.
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