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Re: [microsound] [ot] RGB freq?
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Thanks all!
You guys are incredible. I posted what I thought was the most arcance
and esoteric question known to (wo)man and I get seven billion
responses, each more incredible than the last. Thanks to everyone for
all the info, on everything from NTSC specs to theosophy. Not only did I
get the actual answer to my question, I got several responses that
"unasked" the original query and caused me to reconsider the
presuppositions behind it.
As a result, I'm reconsidering my original mapping idea, though I still
think it could be interesting to use a "dumb" mapping of colour
frequency to sound frequency and see how entertaining the failure of
that mapping can be, rather than finding the most conceptually
satisfying mapping of one element to the other.
I'm sort of interested in how, in effect, all colours in digital video
come from some combination of three particular colours, which
correspond, for most intents and purposes, more or less, to particular
frequencies. The closest analogy to this in sound is Fourier synthesis,
or the synthesis of complex tones from simpler tones, usually sine or
cosine waves. But even here the analogy is imperfect, since there are no
three sound frequencies which have the fundamentality of RGB in NTSC.
But as I see it, the imperfection of that analogy is precisely the
beginning, rather than the end, of the interest of this mapping. Cuz
what happens if you deliberately treat audio as if it was exactly
mappable onto video? What useful discrepancies and productive failures
arise from that willing conceptual blindness?
Anyways, just random thoughts. Thanks again to everyone who responded.
<-----Original Message----->
From: Aaron Ximm
Sent: 8/14/2003 7:38:49 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] [ot] RGB freq?
> I don't really expect an answer to this, but does anyone know if there
> are particular specific frequencies assigned to the colours RGB in
> digital video?
The short answer is, what do you mean by video?
[snip incredible long answer]
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