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[microsound] droplifting project

Hi all,

I would like to thank the persons that participated
on the droplifting chat. I couldn't make it....but
I read the text of it and there were many interesting
and inspiring thoughts!

One friend of mine pointed to me that Jorge Luis Borges
might be the first droplifter.

I found this:

"By 1923 Borges had felt ready to bring out his first collection of poems.
Called Fervor de Buenos Aires, the 64-page book was financed by his father.
Rather hastily printed, the cover boasted a Norah woodcut, and without much
thought in the way of profit, almost all of the three hundred copies were
distributed freely -- and often surreptitiously, such as slipping copies
into the pockets of editor's overcoats!
In 1923 the family returned to Switzerland so his father could continue his
eye treatment, and in Spain Borges was disappointed to find that the
ultraist movement had petered out; but while in Spain he managed to have a
few of his poems published, and a favorable review of Fervor de Buenos Aires
appeared in Revista de Occidente, a Spanish magazine. When Borges and his
family returned to Argentina in 1924 he discovered that he had developed a
small reputation as a poet! It seemed that his guerilla tactic of covert
book placement had paid off. . . ."

...droplifters of the world unite and take it over...

I look forward for the project.

Kind regards

