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Re: [microsound] tuvan throat singers/sounding stones

hi tim

>>Hi, any list recommendations for Tuvan throat singer sites/CDs?

yes, any sainkho namytchylak cd, of course, but you can also find some
interesting recordings on well known "ethnic" labels such as ocora. on
a similar basis, also check some inuit (canadian eskimos) songs.
listened to the echaluk sisters on some compilation and they're

>>Also sounding stones/water CDs and mp3's


well, the usual lilith cd's: "stone" on sub rosa (possibly out of
print) and "imagined compositions for water" on disques hushush inc.
(www. hushush.com). also stephan micus released an interesting album of
resonating stones (plus voice, shakuhachi, tin whistle and stone
chimes: these last ones have been made in the traditional shape of the
ancient chinese pien ch'ing stone chimes) titles "the music of stones"
way back in 1989. it's on ecm and has been recorded in a cathedral.

cheers :: nic

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

{ { d i s c o g r a p h y } }

z_e_l_l_e | nth | line (http://www.12k.com) aug 2001
"zen enlightenment lifts life energy" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) jan 2002
"shayozoku" on tu M'p3 (http://www.tu-m.com) sept 2002
"tief herz" on lib. (http://www.cubicmusic.com/fabric/index.html) june 2003

z_e_l_l_e | rjctd::nw | fabric
(http://www.cubicmusic.com/fabric/index.html) aug 2003
"kitanai" on star6_789' v.2 (http://www.star6789.tk/) TBA

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