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Re: [microsound] listening

>>> What's everyone listening to right now?

Well, honesty is sometimes the best approach:

 Prince   One Nite Alone

 Soundmurderer  http://www.rewind-records.com/ Tel'embodanustyle remastered

especially that one , though they're all pretty good.

 mathieu/benford 'und_and' mp3

 Jonathan Pelham 'wallingford_collision' remixes:

 it may seem egoey to include someone's remixes of one of my tunes. I have
been listening quite often ,find them most impressive he's only 18 etc...

 john hudak   officeops.mp3  http://filesharing.johnhudak.net

 not his best work , and radically different from my collaborations, yet
has an inspiring vibe , especially including the background voices , goes on
a long time without being boring ...

 There now you have every reason not to be bored , and it's all free ,
except for the Prince , and that one's only $50....

