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- Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 00:57:37 -0400
>-- To a great man. tV
>> http://www.alternativetentacles.com/news.php?sd=zE8dn@@0oudDbbadi8r#165
>> Dear Friends and fellow Wesleynauts,
>> We are deeply saddened to report that one of our artists, Wesley
>> Willis passed away yesterday, Thursday, August 21st. Wesley will be
>> greatly missed by all that had the privilege to know him, as well as
>> the fans who have been fortunate enough to experience his genius.
>> Wesley was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) at
>> the end of 2002, and had to undergo emergency surgery on June 2nd to
>> identify the source of, and to suppress internal bleeding. It is not
>> clear if this bleeding was related to his leukemia or not, and the
>> exact cause of death is still unknown. Wesley had been recovering at
>> Hospice in Illinois, and since the surgery his health had deteriorated
>> rapidly.
>> His songs were simultaneously disturbing, hilarious, blunt, and
>> intoxicating. Wesley's sheer excitement and unaffected honesty about
>> every cultural phenomenon, defined his music as truly individual, and
>> truly punk rock.
>> Wesley released well over 50 albums - 3 of which are on
>> Alternative Tentacles, and a 4th, entitled, Wesley Willis Greatest
>> Hits Vol. 3 (CD) had already been scheduled for release in October
>> this year.
>> For more information on Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, please visit
>> http://leukemia-lymphoma.org .
>> Currently there are no plans for any funeral service but we will
>> inform you if there will be.
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