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Re: [microsound] reading (was: listening)
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For me, reading and listening often go together. So what are people
reading a lot of?
For me, Curtis Roads' "Sound Transformation by Convolution" article and
_The Computer Music Tutorial_, as well as _Postcolonial Theory:
Practices, Contexts, Politics_. I'm thinking about the issue of cultural
representation/appropriation in music and sound, whereas it's usually
thought of as an issue of textuality or visual culture.
<-----Original Message----->> >> And now back to our regularly scheduled
> > What's everyone listening to right now?
-the rolling stones - exile on main street, sticky fingers, beggar's
-bruce springsteen - nebraska, greetings from asbury park nj, various
-bernhard guenter - details agrandis
-slayer - reign in blood
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