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Re: [microsound] [ot] RGB freq?

on 8/23/03 2:35 PM, Kurt Ralske at kranning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> these days, taking some data and transforming it into some other type of
> data is a very popular strategy for art-making. if you like, it's alchemy=
> distilling the essence and transforming the residue.
> these days, Concept is King, and Process is Queen. the alchemical process
> is "magic", and is used to validate the artistic endeavor. but what if on=
> green sludge is produced, and not gold? "well -- i did perform alchemy --
> only the process is important, and the process was magic"...a poor excuse=
> but this is how many artists think.
> i'm sort of old-fashioned, and think that: a) putting all the emphasis on
> the process is impersonal, and the resultant work is often mute and
> inexpressive, and b) artists can communicate amazing things, by making go=
> decisions that directly shape the work, in an expressive and dynamic way,
> rather than by just initiating a set of conditions + removing themselves.

Po=E9tica                                              Poetics

Aprendi com Val=E9ry                                   From Val=E9ry I learned

um pouco disto que fa=E7o:                             a bit of what I do:

"Eu mordo o que posso"                               "I bite off what I can=

(palavra, carne ou osso)                             (word, flesh or bone)

Me acho                                              I find me

me acabo de vez                                      I finish me for good

me disfar=E7o                                          I disguise me

____              =20
 Richardo Aleixo  =20
