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sound-psychology (was: Re: [microsound] tech q's)

Tim Kugel wrote:
> But, I am tres interested in the psychology and/or contextualizing
> We haven't had a thread on this for awhile.  Initial reaction vs. after
much more
> exposure. "Tool fatigue" (haha) and volksmusik....good topics.  I find
> discussions of computer speaker systems [for example] relevant to the
> topic.

Speaking of psychological issues relating to music (and microsound), I'll be
doing a psychological experiment on the effect of sound/music on people in
the near future. I'd be interested in any cues or ideas anyone can give me
about intriguing topics.

One idea I have is to measure the effect of infra/ultrasounds on either
memory or concentration (having people doing some appropriate test with
either infra-ultra-or no sound in background). Any other suggestions? The
research should be experimental in essence, so that there could be rather
clearly defined independent and dependent variables. And obviously it
shouldn't be of very ethically questionable nature, I'd be having hard time
to get that approved...

Oh, and I am probably unable to acquire some very specialized equpiment, and
the amount of participants will most likely be < 50, so that sets certain

              .: visa tapani
