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Re: [microsound] and/OAR call for submissions for the "and/live" series

I am interested in submitting something for this. I
have a couple of live recordings (one performed at
Aaron Ximm's Field Effects show which is especially
good) but I am not absolutely sure they fit within
your guidelines. They both involve placing a
microphone outside (on the roof at aaron's place, for
example) and processing those sounds and not a

I do have another performance with Lisle Ellis which
uses the pre-recorded sounds of passing cars during
parts, but there are too many additional electronic
elements for this I believe.

Let me know if you might be interested.

Thank you.

lance grabmiller

--- dkl37@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello everyone! I am now accepting submissions for
> consideration for
> future release as part of the and/OAR label's
> on-going "and/live" series.
> I only plan to do this one time, so here are the
> guidelines:
> 1. I am only looking for recorded live performances
> of artists who either
> utilize field recordings in their work or during the
> particular recorded
> performance(s) they are submitting. 															
> 2. For those who don't know, and/OAR is a label
> devoted to field
> recordings and soundwork that utilizes field
> recordings in some way. Up
> front, I will say that I am not looking for works
> with *periodic rhythms*
> (i.e. various forms of beat music). There are many
> other labels out there
> who issue such kinds of music and do it very well,
> so I don't feel
> inclined to venture into that territory with
> and/OAR. 																	
> 3. What constitutes a "live performance" for this
> particular series is
> one that took place in front of an audience, as
> opposed to a live improv
> that took place in say, someone's living room or
> studio with hardly
> anyone aside from the performers being present. One
> reason being, that I
> believe the *psychological/creative dynamic* is
> different in the former
> setting than in the latter and for this series, I am
> more interested in
> presenting great performances that occur as a result
> from such a
> *dynamic*, even if the performance consists of just
> a laptop computer.
> 4. There is no deadline, but this a one time public
> announcement. If
> interested, please contact me off-list and I can
> give you more info.
> Thanks for your attention ! 																					
> All the best, Dale																							
> contact: dee kay el thirty seven at juno dot com . .
> . ... ..  . . .. ..
> .. .. 			
> Dale Lloyd:  http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html  
> and/OAR:  http://www.and-oar.org/
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