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Re: [microsound] music sales down 15.8%
A couple of things they don't talk about.
1. They still make a profit. Its just a smaller profit
than it used to be.
2. hmmmm. Since 2000? well, isn't that convenient how
that matches the downturn in the economy? they never
like to factor that in.
3. The same music execs who whine about P2P and
file-sharing in these articles will turn around and
complain in industry magazines about the music
industry having lost focus in the past 5 years
(i.e.-not having been able to really create any decent
songs, groups or phenomenons). wouldn't that be a big
contributing factor? Music critics seem to think so.
There have been no end of articles on the subject in
the past few years.
4. The rise od file sharing and the internet has
diversified the audience like never before. why would
they buy crap when they can now get little tasts of
what the industry refuses to release? Never before
have a seen such diverse top 10 lists or 'now playing'
tags. the overwhelming flood of cdr and home labels
threatening to drown us all shows there is health out
there, but no one is running away with the gold right
--- "Glenn Folkvord (Hyperion Media)"
<glenn@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim Kugel" <guitardo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > this is after like 3+ years of such 20%
> declines...
> So after 5 years of 20% declines, it will be a 100%
> decline in total, which
> means in two years no records will be sold at all?
> :-))
> glenn
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