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[ot] The Politics of Digital Networks

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Hi all,

I'm looking for texts on the the politics of digital networks. This
might include such topics as the role of the internet in global
capitalism, the ties between the personal computer and internet industry
and the military-industrial complex, and so on. For the purposes of this
research, I'm less interested in issues like freedom of speech online or
books about hackers and whatnot, although feel free to point me to
exceptional sources in this area (hint: I know about the EFF and I've
already read Sterling's _Hacker Crackdown_). I'm more interested in
links between the internet and broader power structures that exist on a
global level. Links between computer music and digital globalization are
especially welcome. Can anyone recommend reading (books, articles, etc.)
of this nature? Contact me offlist if you want, or post to the list if
you think others could benefit from your citation. Or feel free to start
an on-list discussion of the topic. TIA.


"The gravest danger our Nation faces 
lies at the crossroads of 
radicalism and technology."

George W. Bush
17 September 2002


Phil Thomson 


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