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CEAIT 2004 Call For Works

Please forward to anyone that might be interested...


Call for Submissions - The CEAIT Festival 2004 at Calarts and REDCAT


This year?s Center for Experiments in Art, Information and Technology 
(CEAIT) festival will be taking place January 30 through February 1, 2004, 
in both the newly opened REDCAT in downtown Los Angeles and the Roy O. 
Disney Music Hall on the Calarts campus.

Pieces should include live electronics, instrumental performers with tape or 
computer, tape alone, video tape, or computer alone.  There is a preference 
for live work over tape/CD only pieces, although tape/CD-only pieces will 
also be programmed.  We regret that we will not be accepting proposals for 
audio and web installations this year, but do intend to include these media 
in future CEAIT events.

We accept pieces that are a maximum of 15 minutes long and will accept up to 
two submissions per composer or group. We accept submissions on Compact 
Disc, VHS, CD-Rom, or DVD. We will also accept emailed links to downloadable 
MP3s or Quicktime files, but please be aware that any problems encountered 
while downloading them will result in disqualification. Emailed submissions 
should be sent to ceait2004@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

For pieces involving performers, the composer needs to provide the 
performers and make necessary arrangements for the performance.

For pieces with image, we will have a projector with VHS, DVD, or CD-Rom 
playback available. All video Submissions should be in NTSC format.

Please include with each submission (in the body of an email or as a Word 

*	A Short Bio
*	Program notes
*	Composer?s or group?s contact information including email
*	A list of technical requirements

Please Note: The festival does not provide financial support for any travel 
or production expenses. Any submitted materials cannot be returned unless an 
SASE is included in the submission.

All submissions should be postmarked by Friday, November 21, 2003, and sent 
to the following address:

California Institute of the Arts
CEAIT Festival 2004
School of Music
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, CA 91355



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