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Fwd: new issue of Hz is now out
The new issue of Hz is now out at http://www.hz-journal.org
In this issue Hz presents the following articles:
The Aesthetics of Failure: "Post-Digital" Tendencies in Contemporary
Computer Musicby Kim Cascone
Virtual Memorial : A Memorial As A Process- A Model Of The Worldby Agricola
de Cologne=20
Notes on Critical Black U.S. Performance Art and Artistsby Clifford Owens
The Edge of Artlessness: The video reflection, snap-shot, family and
self-portraiture; and almost losing it all by Jim Jeffers
(in Swedish) Industrimusiken - Fr=E5n elektronisk pornografi till ockultismby
Guido Zeccola=20
Hz Net Gallery presents the following 5 net art works:
confrontation by Annie Abraham & Cl=E9ment Charmet
Twice-told Tales by Nicholas Economos
Hidden by Isabel Saij
Soleno=EFdes by Tamara Lai
Stop Motion Studies by David Crawford
Hz is a web journal published by Fylkingen in Stockholm. Fylkingen is a
non-profit art organization, established in 1933, the oldest forum for
experimental music and intermedia art in Sweden. Throughout its history
Fylkingen has been the driving force in the Swedish art scene to introduce
and promote unestablished art forms, the examples of which include the musi=
of Bart=F3k and the video works of Nam June Paik as well as electro-acoustic
music during the '50s. Our members today consist of leading
composers/musicians, performance artists/dancers, visual artists, etc..
Hz: http://www.hz-journal.org
Hz Net Gallery: http://www.hz-journal.org/netg
Fylkingen: http://www.fylkingen.se