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Re: domain hosting recommendations?
hi eloy!
nice to hear from you. how is your job going? are you still at the same job?
life is much different up here...kaspar is doing well in first
grade...swimming class, soccer, gymnastics...and ursula in
pre-school...playdates, etc. owning ones own house is something
different as well. we love the trees that surround our house...and
all the nature.
so far, from the recommendations originating from the freesound,
max/msp, microsound lists, the best offer seems to be:
although it seems a bit dubious...
the other place that seems good is:
the whole internet thing is all very curious these days...at present,
i have my domain registered at http://www.register.com, as well as
paying for webpage forwarding, where they forward www.johnhudak.net
to homepage.mac.com as well as keeping the browser address...i think
i have been paying a bit too much...
best future,
>Hi John,
>I recommend, in order:
>http://imhosted.com/ <-- this is the one I use for groovylab, but it is the
> the one I recommend
>least... I'll probably change.
>say hi to Adele and the kids,
>hope all are well, cheers,
>On Saturday, November 1, 2003, at 11:15 AM, john hudak wrote:
>>howdy folks. i am looking for recommendations from people
>>currently using and happy with domain hosting that includes the
>>following services:
>>php or perl and database such as mysql.
>>i currently use mac.com for html and storage, but it doesn't offer
>>these extra services.
>>thanks for any and all suggestions. please feel free to e-mail me
>>off-list at:
>>best future,
>>john hudak
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john hudak